Period: February 2020 – September 2020
Partners: Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australia, Strategic Development Group
Project Overview:
Access to clean water is critical for health, stability, and sustainable development, particularly in South Asia, where densely populated urban areas and slums exacerbate water insecurity. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the urgent need for reliable water access, especially in urban slums that have become hotspots for public health crises. Recognising Australia’s global expertise in water management, this project supported the design of the South Asia Water Security Initiative (SAWASI), building on lessons from the Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP). SAWASI aimed to address urban water security challenges and enhance Australia’s partnership with India and Pakistan in water management, guided by existing high-level Memoranda of Understanding.
Services delivered by IFSD:
- Conducted an in-depth review of biophysical, institutional, and policy dimensions of water management and urban water security in South Asia.
- Played a pivotal role in shaping the SAWASI program, incorporating insights from the eight-year SDIP program.
- Facilitated over 25 consultations with DFAT representatives in South Asia and Canberra, as well as with key stakeholders in Australia’s water sector, to ensure a collaborative and informed program design.