Period: 31 May 2021 – 31 August 2022
Funder/client: UNESCO Office in Jakarta – Cluster Office for Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste, Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
Following the regional consultation on UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Science, and the endorsement of APEC Open Science Statement, UNESCO, International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the Auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC) and International Science Council Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ISC ROAP) embarked on developing an implementation strategy and several mechanisms to promote Open Science for accelerating SDGs in Asia and the Pacific.
Services provided by IFSD:
1) Documented compilation of previous literature including but not limited to UNESCO survey results related to Open Science in Asia and the Pacific. This includes conducting desk review of the current literature, national and regional documents available related to policy and infrastructure implemented and related to Open Science.
2) Documented analysis and mapping of Open Science policies and infrastructures at the local and national level based on empirical data. This includes conducting a mapping and assessment of the different local and national level policies and infrastructure implemented in the region related to Open Science.